Thursday, February 6, 2014


I can't stop buying vintage West German pottery by Scheurich. It is my absolute favorite maker. Looking at a listings of fat lava pieces, my eye goes straight to it, even when I don't yet know the identity of the manufacturer.

The purchase of this vase will complete the changes I've been making to the shelving unit atop the partial wall dividing my living room and bedroom. They've been receiving some fine tuning ever since I moved in, and as soon as this vase arrives from Germany, I'll have things the way I want them, at least till I see another Scheurich piece I can't live without.

Stay tuned for a post about the updated look.

Scheurich vase #209-18

Original paper tag

Manufacturer's marking


  1. oooh nice. A lovely piece of Scheurich...the oranges and reds are always the best I think :)

    1. Thanks, Ray. And, yes, I love the oranges and reds, with a few browns sprinkled in.

  2. Lovely purchase Dana, I did wonder where you buy the vases, as I assume there aren't as many in the states as there are over here. How tall is it? Is it the second number of the marking, so 18 cm?
    Since I first bought a Strehla Vase last year, some more have joined it on the shelf and some outside my front door in a colourful display (mostly Scheurichs and Carsten Toennishof), it is like an addiction. As the poster before me said, the orange, reds and brown/beige ones are my favorites, too. As they are not so expensive here as they seem to be in the US, it is sort of an affordable hobby. Hope you enjoy the vase and it makes its voyage safely.
    Best regards

    1. Barbara, I usually get my pieces on Etsy or eBay, although last July I bought 9 pieces from a woman here in Texas who had lived in Germany for several years. If you haven't seen that post, the link is below. Yes, the number on the bottom is 18, indicating 18 cm. I have pieces ranging in height from about 15 cm to 50 cm.

  3. Great, this will go well with the rest of your jars. Aside from the color combo, I also like the shape. As you know, I blame you entirely for the one Scheurich I have. (:

    1. I will gladly take full responsibility for your one Scheurich. If, however, you develop an addiction like the one I have, you're on your own. :)

  4. Love it! I have a small collection of West Germany pottery. Anything with orange on it is a favorite!

    1. It looks like orange is a handsdown winner today. It seems to be everyone's favorite! West German pottery especially seems to look good in that color.

  5. So you must be the one outbidding me on the Sheurich, eh? :P

    I do like a good piece of West German pottery. I always try to grab a few every time I'm over in the UK visiting the girlfriend. Much cheaper than eBay and it's one of the few thrift shop finds that I can actually fit in a suitcase and bring back with me.

    1. You're so lucky to be able to make regular shopping trips on your trips to the UK. How many pieces of WG pottery do you have so far?

    2. Not too many, unfortunately. Think I'm up to like 8 pieces now. Want to pick up more of the fat lava variety.

  6. Fabulous! & now your done...until you fall in love with the next one. :)

  7. beautiful Dana.....I have a raging WG addiction and you are to blame!....its was mild but you converted me and wll now I just cant get enough!.....hey I have to blame somebody right?! xx

  8. Oh my, what a beauty!! I'm your partner in crime concerning Scheurich, I simply cannot walk away if I see one... I so agree with you and Ray, the orangy red and brown ones are my absolute favorites. This might be the most beautiful one I've ever seen, Dana, what an amazing find!! So looking forward to seeing it with it's new friends:-)

    1. There was something about this one that stole my heart too. I can't wait for it to arrive. I'll post photos as soon as it takes its place with the others.
