Sunday, October 4, 2015 of our house

Grandson #1 had a birthday party last weekend, so we finally had to stop procrastinating and get the last of our projects done around the house. You should have seen us scurrying around at the last minute trying to get everything finished. (We were going to rip out the granite, but that project got put on hold indefinitely when circumstances changed.)

The bedrooms and bathrooms are finished too, but I'll save those photos for a later post.  Soon, I promise. No more putting things off. (She says for at least the 10 millionth time in her life.)

And a scene from the birthday party that provided the necessary impetus for getting finished...


  1. Very beautiful house! Mine is tiny, cramped, and no style at all.

    1. Thanks, Bill. But yours is full of cool typewriters and other enviable stuff!

  2. Awesome house - inside and out! Lucky kids, too! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ray. We're happy with the way it turned out.

  4. Wonderful! My kids would be jealous if they would see this photos of the party!!

    1. Thanks, Ria. That water slide was a big hit with the kids, for sure.

  5. Once again, you've done it! Thanks for the photos. Looking forward to seeing the rest. It's really beautiful Dana, Are you still looking at other places?

    1. Thanks, Jamie! We love the house, but as a result of some life changes, this is more house than my daughter, the grandsons and I need. We're looking for something with a lot less yard to maintain...and water in the Texas summers. Those $500+ water bills were killer.

  6. Love it, Dana! I understand about 'too much' yard, though, especially with those water bills. Yikes! Whoever buys this house will be getting a beauty! :)

    1. Thanks, Lee Ann! The sisters who bought the house to flip didn't understand this 1964 beauty at all, so we had to undo a lot of their changes to get it back to "modern mode." I think people looking for a mid-century home will appreciate it more now. It has a huge yard and LOTS of sprinkler zones, since it's heavily landscaped, both front yard and back. Now that my daughter and I are trying to maintain it by ourselves, it's turned into more of a challenge than we want.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Terry. We did a lot of feet-dragging, but it's finally done.

  8. Good morning, Dana! Well, it looks beautiful...all the hard work paid off! Love those dreamy blue chairs.
    I understand about those water bills...we have 14 zones and I dread it every summer.
    I hope your search for a new place doesn't take too long. This house will sell very's amazing.
    Life changes...they can be most inconvenient. Hope all will be well. xoxo, T.

    1. Thanks, Tina. Those are the most comfortable dining chairs I've ever sat in! We've decided not to disrupt our holidays with selling a house. Aside from the inconvenience, who wants people traipsing through checking out the gifts under your tree and coming back later to nab them? I hope the house will sell quickly when we finally put it on the market...IF we put it on the market. Every time my daughter thinks about packing and moving so soon after the last move, she cringes.

      You're right that life/family changes can be challenging, but one good thing about being almost 70 years old is that I know from my own experience that all situations are temporary, and a few months/years down the line, they become memories rather than crises.

  9. The interior decorating will make it an easy sell.

  10. You've done a fabulous job on the house. It seems sad that you will be moving, but the new owner will be thrilled! Do you think you could just pick it up and move it here to Indianapolis? LOL!

    1. Thanks! I wish we could move it to Indianapolis, because I bet our water bills in the summer wouldn't be has high as they are here in Texas! :)

  11. Looks wonderful! I can definitely see how you'd want to change out the granite if you were staying, though. It looks incongruous with the newly re-modded surroundings. :)

    1. Yes, the sisters who flipped the house were so proud of that granite...and the light fixtures, fans and door hardware that were equally incongruous. If we decide to stay, it will be the next thing to go.

  12. I am drooooooling!! It's so beautiful! Those ceilings! That light! Those teal dining chairs!!!!! Everything is so perfect.

    1. Thanks, Tanya! When we moved in, the walls were a very muddy tan. A couple of coats of Benjamin Moore White Dove paint magically made so much difference in playing up all the gorgeous light we get. My daughter did a great job picking out the style and upholstery of the dining chairs. I'm not surprised that you love them, given your penchant for anything in that color family. :)
