Friday, December 24, 2010

New furniture nestled all snug in my house

Just an update...Here are pictures I promised of the new sofa and chair after I got them set up in my house...instead of the Atomica Modern shots I posted yesterday.

Joe not only delivered the pieces to me, but he also repaired one of the springs on my other sofa that had come loose.  What he thought was going to be a very simple fix turned out to be a big job, but he didn't charge me a dime. He's such a nice guy...and such a pleasure to do business with.


  1. I'm thrilled with them. They're much better than a bag of switches or a lump of coal...:)

  2. Wow! They're perfect! Merry Christmas and happy couching.

  3. What a fab Christmas present. The set is gorgeous and looks so comfy!

  4. I love them! They have a certain 40's film noir style to them, yet at the same time they have clean, minimalistic lines of MCM. They're like the best of 2 really amazing worlds in one.
