Thursday, January 20, 2011

10,000 and beyond

I just noticed that I hit 10,000 page views today, half of which have occurred in the last month...and I'm at roughly 150 posts. I've been having a ball so far, but I have a feeling that the real fun is just starting! :)


  1. Looking forward to the next 150 and beyond. I love that you know so much about what I love! You're a walking mcm encyclopedia.

  2. Yay! I'm also a new blogger. Isn't it fun to see how many page views you get? Still bizarre to me that people read and comment and care about my blog. . . So happy to hear that people are appreciating your hard work!

  3. Thanks, everyone. I'm loving the blog, but I'm also loving getting to know all of you.

  4. Don't know how I missed this post so I'm a few days late in saying CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm sure I'm not just speaking for myself when I say that your blog is such a joy to read and your photos are always eye candy. I just startied reading blogs a few months ago and am so glad I came across yours. Hopefully one day I will figure out how to do my own.

  5. @Krazy4Mod: Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoy the blog. I certainly enjoy having you as a reader.
