Friday, March 4, 2011

Mirro, Mirro

A few days ago, we chanced upon a 3-piece casserole dish (lid, outer dish on teak and brass legs, plus an inner dish) and a matching tray that won my heart. It's going to be hard to let go of this little jewel, but it's destined for the store.

We had gone out that day to buy furniture, and we made quite a successful haul, picking up a dropfront desk similar to the one I got for myself recently, a couple of really cool corner cabinets, a desk, a drop-leaf table, and several credenzas and buffets. But what I wanted more than anything was the Mirro Medallion set in brushed aluminum, with teak handles and polished brass feet and starburst design on the lid and a massive matching 17" diameter tray. How much do you want to bet that this set has seen more than it's share of cocktail weiners with frilly toothpicks?

Mirro Medallion casserole dish and matching tray

Mirro Medallion 17" tray


  1. Nice!!!

    I have a gold tidbit tray and an amorphic bowl/dish in gold by Mirro. But not as nice as this!

  2. Awesome. I love it!

  3. @1950sarh: I'd love to see pictures of your Mirro pieces. Share, please!

  4. @Ashly: Thanks...I'd never seen any of the Medallion series before, so I was thrilled to run across it.

  5. Ready for drunken weinies on those little plastic swords. Never seen these before but they may explain the flying saucer sightings of the time, enough cocktails and that thing looks like it's from outer space!

  6. I would totally keep this, just for one party! It really is lovely. These pieces that capture kitschy but modern and sophisticated at the same time are so hard to find (and so amazing looking). Good find!

  7. This is DARLING! It would be hard to part with!
    Have a pretty day!

  8. @DearHelenHartman: You're right...the swords are much better than the frilly toothpicks!

  9. @adriane: We may have to use it for the opening of the store. That's such a good idea!

  10. @BringingPrettyBack: Welcome to the blog! Nice to see a new face, Kristin. And I have a feeling they're going to have to pry this out of my hands to put a price tag on it. :)
