Saturday, May 7, 2011

If you've gotta have a problem...

When I posted about the recovered McIntosh chairs a couple of days ago, I promised to show them with the table once we got them into the store. Thank goodness my SIL got a picture of them quickly. This beautiful table and chairs went on the floor Thursday and sold yesterday.  Here is the picture of the whole set, right before it was whisked out the door.

The store is starting to look a little empty. Lately, the minute we put something out, it's gone in a flash. It seems like we're rearranging the floor constantly. If you've gotta have a problem, I suppose that's the kind you want. My SIL just moved several pieces into storage, so an early-morning trip to retrieve them and a quick floor re-stock will be in order today before time to open.

We have a great Danish settee that's getting a little upholstery face-lift, as well as a Carter Brothers scoop chair and a Plycraft lounge chair that are getting a bit of a makeover. Looks like it's time to speed up the process on all of them.


  1. I can see why it sold so fast - gorgeous!

  2. Gorgeous! I can see why it flew off the sales floor. Hey, a new store looking empty due to lots of sales is a good thing. Congrats Dana!!

  3. Love hearing that the shop is doing so well! Looks like you found a good niche.

    Mr. Modtomic

  4. wow...andi m waiting to see the settee

  5. That's so exciting! Sounds like the business is doing well.
