Thursday, January 26, 2012

Heavenly hardware

Sometimes a couple of coats of paint and a change of cabinet hardware can give a kitchen or bathroom a whole new look, but if you're like me, you've had a hellacious time finding hardware that works well in mid-century or modernist homes. Well, hallelujah! There are a couple of companies that have hardware just for us.

The Moderns is the mid-century line manufactured by Atlas Homewares, and it offers all the classic styles, including concave round and square knobs, and the classic Paul McCobb style cone knob.

The Moderns by Atlas Homewares

I also like the Atlas line they call Sleek. It is just that, with no ornamentation or curliques. Sleek is all about streamlined functionality. They also made a similarly unadorned line in pure gloss white.

Sleek by Atlas Homewares

Though the Atlas Modernist collection may not be for everyone, it reminds me of mid-century cufflinks, and I think it has a distinct googie feel.

Modernist by Atlas Homewares

Atlas also makes a couple of door knockers that I think are great. One (which I happen to have in brushed nickel on my own front door) is described by Atlas as Mission style, but I think it works well for modern doors as well. The other is called the Avalon, which was inspired by Streamline Moderne, an architectural style that emerged from the great transatlantic steam liners and architectural styles of the 1930s. Still, I think its simple lines would look great on a modern ranch. All the pulls above, plus the two door knockers below, can be purchased at Hardware Hut.

Mission by Atlas Homewares
Avalon by Atlas Homewares

Another company, Hume Modern, has designer-specific hardware, as well as other parts for furniture. Take a look at these Paul McCobb styles. The company also has 

McCobb Delineator pull
McCobb dresser pulls
McCobb ring pull
McCobb Connoisseur pulls
McCobb jewelry box pulls

Hume Modern also carries George Nelson Thin Edge pulls and legs.

Nelson Thin Edge pulls and legs


  1. I like the top square and round ones.
    I re-painted a old dresser green, and all its handles were broken. I went to our hardware recycling store and found some cute vintage handles.
    I came short a set of two. I bet if I go back now I will be able to find more.
    Nothing like a vintage dresser with funky
    mis-matched handles! *lol*

    1. I definitely think the top round and square ones look very, very mid-century. I'm about to redo my workshop, and that's what I'm going to use.

  2. oh those are neat! I love the deco looking ones. Where do they sell these?

    1. The hardware in the top five pictures can be bought online from The McCobb and Nelson hardware comes from

  3. I've been looking for some cool mid century knobs ever since I saw the IKEA hack on this page:

    I think the McCobb Jewelry Box Pulls would be an awesome substitute. Great post!


    1. Hope those work for you. That was a great link. I loved the painted tile, as well as the Ikea hack.

  4. Both sites seem to have quite a bit that could be helpful to mid-century lovers. Hume Modern has lots of parts for Eames, Bertoia, Saarinen and Schultz furniture. I sent my son-in-law a link to the Hume site, because he's been needing some Saarinen parts.

  5. Thanks a bunch for sharing these sites! I haven't as yet had a chance to look at pricing, but I'm definetely going to save the links for future reference. They all look like potential candidates for on going projects!

    1. They're pricier than Lowe's or Home Depot, but the selection is definitely better. I haven't checked to see if they have any wholesale opportunities for dealers. I especially like knowing where to find McCobb and Nelson knobs if we need them.
