Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July

I hope all my American readers are enjoying a happy Independence Day, and to readers elsewhere, I hope you're celebrating something...even if it's just that it's Wednesday, and the weekend is almost here.

While fireworks are a big part of our Fourth of July celebration, I want to remind you to take some precautions. My daughter still has a scar on her left hand from a run-in with a roman candle when she was a child, even though she was being supervised by a very responsible uncle. Here are a few safety tips from Good Housekeeping:

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued safety steps, including the advice below. For the full list of precautions, visit the CPSC's website.
  • Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them.
  • Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks. Parents may not realize that young children can suffer injuries from sparklers. Sparklers burn at temperatures of about 2,000 degrees, which is hot enough to melt some metals.
  • Avoid buying fireworks that are packaged in brown paper, because this is often a sign that they were made for professional displays and could pose a danger to consumers.
  • After fireworks have burned out, douse them with plenty of water from a bucket or hose before discarding them to prevent a trash fire.
Even safer, leave the fireworks to the pros. Visit your town's fireworks display or watch the Macy's extravaganza in New York City on TV. They're bound to be more spectacular than any you light yourself and are risk-free.

Have a wonderful holiday, and stay safe out there!


  1. Replies
    1. And to you, Ton! Have a safe and happy holiday.

  2. Happy Fourth! I wish I had a box of sparklers, but I'm not sure they sell them anymore due to the fire hazard in my area. Oh well I shall enjoy the fireworks regardless.

    1. Happy Fourth of July to you too. I hope you're enjoying fireworks on TV and staying out of the heat and the fire zones.

  3. I know y'all are familiar with triple digit summers but it's not the norm here - personal fireworks banned here and it's so danged HOT people are actually obeying the law!!! Have a safe and fun holiday.

    1. There's been an ordinance here against personal fireworks for years, but every New Year's and Fourth of July, you still hear people shooting them off. I haven't heard as many this year, so maybe people are wising up. Hope you're having a nice holiday too.
