Sunday, May 11, 2014

Weekend thoughts: Cry once

How many times have I bought something I thought would save me some money, only to regret it when I got home? I like a bargain as much as the next person, but I've found that if I wait till I can afford what I really want, I'll be happier than if I settle for the next best thing.


  1. Only cry at the price sometimes. I agree. Get the best and not the cheaper. Cheap costs more in the long term.

    1. Every time I've tried to go the cheap route, I end up sorry I did. The old "get what you pay for" adage is generally true.

  2. I should head this advice more often Dana!! I am guilty of going the cheap route - and often too with not always pleasing results. I am trying to remember this while we continue our house hunting. We've waited and held out this long for the right one - it's bound to come up soon - surely!!!

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you find one that's beyond perfect!
