Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Our house: Bedrooms and bathrooms

A few days ago, I posted photos of most of our house, with the exception of the bedrooms and bathrooms. I promised to show the rest soon with minimal procrastination, and to my own surprise, I'm keeping that promise to you now.

My daughter's bedroom

One of the things I love most about having shutters...
the play of light on the ceiling

Master bath

My bedroom...until we find a place with a separate apartment

A glimpse of the boys' bedroom
through our jack-and-jill bathroom
(I didn't feel like picking Lego pieces
out of the carpet for a full-room shot.)


  1. I love all your orange, Dana. And I agree about the shutters- the light pattern on the ceiling is great.

    1. The house is decorated predominately in shades of blue, orange and gold. My daughter prefers the more subdued effect. She usually has a dark, dark teal comforter on her bed, but she fostered a cat for a few months, and you can guess why she changed back to the gray one. After the subdued colors in my little house bedroom, I decided on an apricot quilt from West Elm for this room, with turquoise and plum accents.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Bill. We'll have a little tweaking to do before we put it on the market after Christmas, but it's done, for the most part.

  3. What a warm and welcoming place... come and decorate mine? ;-)

    1. I have a feeling that your home is already warm and welcoming...and full of all sorts of beautiful textures, tastes and aromas. I am constantly amazed at all your wonderful projects. Your family is very lucky to have a woman like you with so many talents.

  4. Very nice and uncluttered. I LOVE your orange quilt!

    1. My daughter is more of a minimalist than I am. I keep wanting to add "just one more thing." She keeps me somewhat in check. :) I'm really happy with the color of my quilt. I just wish the quilts from West Elm were as thick and warm as the ones from Crate and Barrel
