The landscaping saga continues at the new house. After yesterday's work in the yard and the family photos posted on Facebook and Instagram during our recent Cinco de Mayo celebration dinner, I think it's only fair to answer the question we posed.
Entire family taking turns sporting Clark Kent glasses
(with Superman emblems on the side!)
at a local Mexican food restaurant |
The real superhero at our house is my SIL, who he-manned these 200-300 pound landscaping rocks boulders across the yard by hand while my daughter and I stood by watching and making suggestions...and Grandsons #1 and #2 tried to "help." (Yes, he's the guy we call on when anything heavy needs to be moved.)
Huge landscaping rocks
surrounded by newly emerging inland sea oats. |
A few weeks ago we saw similar large rocks with small plants growing out of holes drilled in them. We need to make a trip to our favorite local nursery to find out what plant choices we have. Moss rose will be planted in the spaces between rocks for lots of color. The perennial plants coming up around the rocks are inland sea oats, which were cut back to the ground a few weeks ago. The bare spots will fill in soon, and they will form a compact mound around the rocks that reaches a height of about 24" (although they can get much taller in shadier spots). The plants will be covered with graceful seed heads like the ones in this photo.
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Here's a look at another part of the front yard beds.
1) No, my daughter hasn't relented on the issue of the small tree in front of the house. She thinks we need it for privacy.
2) And for those of you who come from other parts of the world and are unfamiliar with Cinco de Mayo, it's a celebration held on May 5 that commemorates a major Mexican military victory. In Texas, in addition to attending more traditional events, many of us go out for Mexican food and drink lots of margaritas, which we certainly did last night.